Cambodia travel tips

Thứ Hai, 14 tháng 7, 2014

Cambodia travel tips

Cambodia, located on Indochina peninsula is adjacent with 3 other countries. They are Vietnam to the east, Laos to the north and Thailand to the west. In many recent years, Cambodia has become a bright tourism destination because of its attractive sceneries and unique culture to foreign visitors. In this article, How to Travel to Cambodia would like to introduce you some tips for a meaningful and memorable journey to this country of temples. 

When to go to Cambodia?

Cambodia has two main seasons that are dry season from November to May and rainy season from June to October. People are suggested to visit Cambodia in dry season because of the convenience of travelling. However, rains and humid climate in the other season make temples of this country more fanciful and sparkling. Therefore, tourists can feel free to choose the time of their trip. Besides, April is the high tourism season in Cambodia because this is festival time of the year. There are some famous festivals such as: National Day takes place on 7th of January, Water Festival belongs to Traditional Holiday in Cambodia Chol Chnam Thmay on 13 – 15/4, every year, etc.

Things to see in Cambodia

Angkor Temples

Cambodia is a country, which has over 95% of total population follow Buddhism. Therefore, the main well-known architectural buildings here are temples. It will be regret if you travel Cambodia without visiting Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom, two of the most typical temple ensembles here. Built in 12th century, with the total area up to 200ha Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom bring visitors an amazement of ancient, sacred and wonderful buildings. These temple ensembles consist of 398 rooms linked by a corridor that lengthens 1500 meters. These are the only temple in Cambodia that has the main gate in the west. However, the material made the temple is the thing impresses visitors. They are all sandstones divided into three types based on their color, chemical ingredients and other factors that seem brighter and brighter under the sunshine.

Silver Pagoda
If the temple of Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom give you, the feeling of something ancient, natural and stunning, Silver Pagoda in Prom Penh is the representation of miracle and magnificence. To the tourist’s amazement, many pieces of silver that weights over 1 kg for each one used to pave floors instead of bricks or other material else. Besides, Golden temple is famous for Buddha statues made of gold or jade.

Cambodia cuisine
Cambodia is not only the country of temple but also unique cuisine. Cambodia cooking class is influent by some neighbor countries, especially India and China. Therefore, it is not difficult for tourists to find a variety of spices as Indian dish and fat as Chinese ones in almost Cambodian’.

Travel around Cambodia
In recent years, the transportation in Cambodia is improved significantly to meet tourism demand increasing more and more. Tourists are able to travel by air served by Cambodia Angkor Air.

To visit between destinations in Cambodia, you had better to go by red cub or tuk tuk, popular vehicles in Cambodia. If having a good financial ability, you should move by helicopter at least one time. Enjoying the beauty of temples and pagodas here may be one of the best magical feelings in your life. Besides, hiring bicycle is not a bad idea in case you have a good health and want to explore the sightseeing by yourself. Just by paying a price about 1 – 2 dollars, you can have a whole day riding around the city.

Cambodia, a lovely and friendly country is one of the promise destinations in Southeast Asia in particular and Asia in general because of charming sceneries, peaceful lifestyle and unique culture as well. With this post, we hope you will have a good preparation for your tours in Cambodia.